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Winter Care for Dogs

Winter can be a difficult time for dogs. The cold weather and harsh conditions can be tough on their skin and coat, and there are also some dangers that come with the winter season. In this blog post, we will discuss how to keep your dog safe and healthy this winter. We will cover topics such as keeping them warm, preventing illness, and dealing with snow and ice. Follow these tips to make sure your dog has a safe and happy winter!

  • Keeping Your dog Warm
  • Illnesses
  • Snow and ice
  • Frozen Lakes and Rivers

Puppies and Adult Dogs

If you have a puppy or older dog, special care is required in the winter to make sure they stay warm and healthy. Generally dogs are designed to withstand cold weather, however nowadays most dogs are not particularly used to be in the cold for long periods of time. Real cautions should be taken in seriously cold weather. Puppies will naturally be more sensitive to the cold due to their smaller size and thinner fur. Make sure to extra layers and blankets for them when they go outside, as well as a cosy place to sleep indoors.

For adult dogs, it is important to watch for signs of hypothermia. This can include shivering, lethargy, and pale gums. If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, take them inside immediately and get them warm.

Winter Walks

Keeping Your dog Warm

One of the most important things you can do for your dog in the winter is to keep them warm. This can mean investing in a good quality coat or sweater for them to wear when they go outside. If your dog does have to stay outside for a prolonged period of time in very cold weather, make sure they have a warm, dry place to shelter from the elements.


Another thing to keep in mind is that winter can be a prime time for illnesses, such as canine influenza or kennel cough. These are both highly contagious and can be dangerous for your dog. Make sure you are up to date on their vaccinations and take them to the vet for a check-up before the winter season starts. If your dog does get sick, make sure to take them to the vet immediately.

Snow and ice

Finally, you need to be careful of snow and ice when walking your dog in the winter. Generally your dog will enjoy being in the snow but it bears it’s own risks. It is important to keep them on a leash and to be careful of areas where there may be black ice. If you are concerned about your dog slipping, you can purchase special booties or socks that will give them traction. These would also prevent them from the corrosive effects of salt on streets which can be very uncomfortable for dogs’ paws.

Stay Away From Frozen Rivers and Lakes

If you think your dog will be tempted to jump in and play on a frozen stretch of water, it’s best to keep them on their leash. It’s important to keep a close eye on our furry friends, even if they are strong swimmers.